0420 – Hey man… You ever think that the universe is just like, one atom of some even bigger universe we can’t even imagine? Woah… My hands can touch anything but themselves…

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More over-the-top use of forced perspective and depth of field.

Comic 2/7 in this week’s DAILY STRIP SPECTACULAR!!! Come back tomorrow for more!


3 thoughts on “0420 – Hey man… You ever think that the universe is just like, one atom of some even bigger universe we can’t even imagine? Woah… My hands can touch anything but themselves…

  1. The title…I dont get it.

    In Other news, I dont think the Link and the Others ‘Betrayed’ the team, more like it was a Harsh Split up.

    It may come in three outcomes:
    A)In X moment they will Unite together again.
    B)The Both Teams will split even More.
    C)One of the Teams will be slaughtered.
    (Can I haz option C?)

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